AVC has recently been requested to supply and install a 3 x 3 Video Wall for a popular game show called Yes Wena that airs on ETV. This Video Wall display was deployed at Foghound Studios. The Video wall was incorporated into a stage that was built specifically for the game show.

We used the Samsung UH46F5 Slim Depth Videowall Display as our video wall panels.  The videowall has 9 panels in total. The video wall panels are Ultra High Definition (UHD) panels with high brightness and anti-glare glass.  The UHF series come complete with advanced Colour Management and Samsung colour expert software that can optimise display settings which made the video wall images stand out from the rest.

For easy installation of the panels and easy alignment, a wall frame was custom built with each bracket that gets mounted to the frame.   On this bracket the panels were mounted.  This bracket is a swivel bracket and makes it easy for alignment of the panels meaning that this can also be taken down very easily for maintenance.  The panels are light weight to transport and for installation.

The video wall panels are daisy chained via a DVI cable in a sequence for easy calibration.  The calibration even fine tunes the colour through the advanced colour management and colour expert software built into the panels.   With the calibration we shared the content with a laptop connected via an HDMI cable to the main screen.  With this we set the screens to collaborate in sequence and took about 3 minutes to do.  With this you can share seamless and crisp video content to all screens without interruptions.

When in video wall mode the bevel to bezel is 5.5mm.  This makes the thickness between screens very small.  The screens are also 24/7 operational, so this means that the panels can be running more than normal hours.  There is sufficient ports for easy connections and a media players can also be added.

With this easy installation of the 3 x 3 video wall makes it a fun installation both for technical and customer usage.

AVC has supplied and installed a video wall solution that is a winner in the video wall applications.



Donna-Marie van der Merwe

Donna is a Sales Executive in Johannesburg and has been in the Audio Visual Industry for over 8 years.

1 Comment

  1. hendrik visagie

    Hi Donna

    is it possible to get more information about the video wall with all of the contrllers.




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